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  • The Red Cow and Her Friends

The Red Cow and Her Friends

by Peter McArthur

The Red Cow and Her Friends PDF edition and other Peter McArthur books available for free download from our library.


The Red Cow and Her Friends is a non-fiction work about farming animals written by the Canadian farmer and writer Peter Gilchrist McArthur whose other writings include "IN PASTURES GREEN," "THE PRODIGAL AND OTHER POEMS," "TO BE TAKEN WITH SALT," ETC.

Preface by the author

It is always a pleasure to avoid responsibility and it gives me a feeling of relief to be able to announce that I am not wholly responsible for this collection of sketches. When it was suggested that I should put together the articles dealing with the Red Cow, and the other farm animals, I felt reluctant to trouble the public with a somewhat frivolous book at the present time. It seemed as if Fate were with me for when it was decided to go on with the book it was found that my file of clippings had been lost. But the matter was still urged and, remembering that at different times readers had written to me saying that they were in the habit of clipping the articles for future reference, I published a paragraph telling of my predicament. The result was that I received clippings from all parts of Canada and some were even sent from neighbouring States.

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