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  • The Return of Sherlock Holmes

The Return of Sherlock Holmes

by Arthur Conan Doyle

The Return of Sherlock Holmes PDF edition and other Arthur Conan Doyle books available for free download from our library.


The death of the detective character Sherlock holmes in this series of collection forbids the author from publishing any more stories of his detective fiction works.

Sherlockian enthusiasts called the period of this novel as "The Great Hiatus", the stories happening 1891 to 94. Arthur Conan Doyle was put in intense pressure to revive his creature Sherlock holmes.

Before beginning of these 13 stories, there is a preface stating, Holmes was actually not dead in the "Final Problem". How ever he takes rest and returning to investigation profession after three years.

  • The Adventure of the Empty House: Holmes unwinds, how Moran murdered his card playmate Ronald Adair in the Park Lane.
  • The Adventure of the Norwood Builder: The culprit Oldacre, to escape from his past crimes, creates an alibi that he is murdered. To expose the criminal, Holmes goes the culprit’s way and creates an alibi of fire. Fearing the death from fire, the culprit comes out of his hiding.
  • The Adventure of the Dancing Men: Unearthing the killings of couple Elsie and Cubitt through the mysterious appearing of dancing men in the house.

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Copyright Disclaimer: This work is in the public domain under U.S. copyright law and is not subject to any copyright claims or exclusive rights.

Title: The Return of Sherlock Holmes
Author: Arthur Conan Doyle
Originally Published: 1905
Publisher: McCLURE, PHILLIPS & CO.
Public Domain Repositories: Gutenberg, Wikisource, Archive

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