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  • The Ritual Movement

The Ritual Movement

by James Galloway Cowan

The Ritual Movement PDF edition and other James Galloway Cowan books available for free download from our library.


These words are a general precept about Church order following up a particular remonstrance.  The Corinthian Christians, divinely distinguished by the number and excellence of the spiritual gifts and privileges bestowed on them, had, alas! distinguished themselves by anarchy, lawlessness, pride, self-will, self-sufficiency, uncharitableness, ecclesiastical and moral laxity of various forms and kinds.  The Apostle deals with all these offences severally and particularly, and then he gives a general rule—a rule which was to cover and guide all their practice, and the practice of every other church: “Let all things be done decently (decorously) and in order” (according to system and appointment).

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