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  • The Romance of the Forest, interspersed with some pieces of poetry

The Romance of the Forest, interspersed with some pieces of poetry

by Ann Ward Radcliffe

The Romance of the Forest, interspersed with some pieces of poetry PDF edition and other Ann Ward Radcliffe books available for free download from our library.


When once sordid interest seizes on the heart, it freezes up the source of every warm and liberal feeling; it is an enemy alike to virtue and to taste—this it perverts, and that it annihilates. The time may come, my friend, when death shall dissolve the sinews of avarice, and justice be permitted to resume her rights.

Such were the words of the Advocate Nemours to Pierre de la Motte, as the latter stept at midnight into the carriage which was to bear him far from Paris, from his creditors and the persecution of the laws. De la Motte thanked him for this last instance of his kindness; the assistance he had given him in escape; and, when the carriage drove away, uttered a sad adieu! The gloom of the hour, and the peculiar emergency of his circumstances, sunk him in silent reverie.

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