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  • The Spanish Influenza Pandemic of 1918

The Spanish Influenza Pandemic of 1918

by Oscar Jewell Harvey

The Spanish Influenza Pandemic of 1918 PDF edition and other Oscar Jewell Harvey books available for free download from our library.


EARLY in September, 1918, the United States was invaded by a scourge of highly infectious and fatal disease, which spread with rapidity throughout the country. It was pandemic in its nature, and partook of many of the characteristics of influenza, grip and pneumonia. No one seemed to know much about the disease or its treatment, and medical science and public health agencies were alike unprepared to cope with it.

About all that could be done at the start was to adopt and attempt to enforce drastic regulations to minimize contagion; but even in view of these regulations, and when the plague had burst forth in all its widespread malignity, the country at large seemed slow to awaken to the enormity of the peril which it faced.

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