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  • The Stones of Venice  Volume I ( of 3 )

The Stones of Venice Volume I ( of 3 )

by John Ruskin

The Stones of Venice Volume I ( of 3 ) PDF edition and other John Ruskin books available for free download from our library.


The Stones of Venice is in depth exploration of Venetian art and architecture written by the English writer of Victorian era John Ruskin who has multifaceted personalities as historian, watercolourist, patron, philanthropist and  a social thinker.  Among his many writings notable one are The Poetry of Architecture, The King of the Golden River, The Seven Lamps of Architecture, The Art of England: Lectures Given in Oxford, The Pleasures of England: Lectures Given in Oxford, and The Elements of Drawing, in Three Letters to Beginners.

Ruskin’s knowledge on history, architectural form, style and function lead him to provide in depth definitions of arches, walls, ceilings and architectural ornamentation. As a whole the author’s technical knowledge blended with lyrical writing style made this book a wonderful reading for any readers who wanted to know about the cultural and historical wonders of Venice architecture.


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