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  • The Story My Doggie Told to Me

The Story My Doggie Told to Me

by Ralph Henry Barbour

The Story My Doggie Told to Me PDF edition and other Ralph Henry Barbour books available for free download from our library.


When you tell a story you should always start right at the very beginning, and that is what I am going to do. The first thing I remember was when I was about two weeks old. I’m sure you can’t remember when you were two weeks old. I think that is very clever of me, don’t you? It shows what a fine memory I have. I was lying[5] in a sort of cage made of criss-cross wires. There was sawdust on the floor. There were four of us in all, for I had two sisters and one brother. My mother’s name was Gretchen and my father’s name was Fritz. I am named after my father. He had two or three other names besides, but they’re very hard to say, being German.

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