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  • The Strangest Things in the World

The Strangest Things in the World

by Thomas R. Henry

The Strangest Things in the World PDF edition and other Thomas R. Henry books available for free download from our library.


The challenges of Nature’s paradoxes have been sharp spurs to man’s search for knowledge since the start of science. Fortunately the number of these paradoxes is infinite, and so the quests are endless. Man never will know a wonderless world. In the phenomena of life especially we have come only to the zone of morning twilight. The bright day of understanding is ahead. As its hours pass we can expect a constant succession of new paradoxes, new spurs to further advances.

Man would be in a sad situation were it otherwise. For the bright light of noon and afternoon inevitably precedes sunset and darkness and sleep. This book is a compendium of some of Nature’s curiosities and contradictions in the field of life and as such it well may awaken that wonder which, as somebody has said, is the beginning of knowledge.

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