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  • The Threshold Covenant

The Threshold Covenant

by H. Clay Trumbull

The Threshold Covenant PDF edition and other H. Clay Trumbull books available for free download from our library.


The Threshold Covenant Or The Beginning of Religious Rites is a non-fiction work by H. Clay Trumbull whose other writing  include Kadesh-barnea,” “The Blood Covenant,” “Studies in Oriental Social Life,” etc. 

Preface from the book

This work does not treat of the origin of man’s religious faculty, or of the origin of the sentiment of religion; nor does it enter the domain of theological discussion. It simply attempts to show the beginning of religious rites, by which man evidenced a belief, however obtained, in the possibility of covenant relations between God and man; and the gradual development of those rites, with the progress of the race toward a higher degree of civilization and enlightenment. Necessarily the volume is not addressed to a popular audience, but to students in the lessons of primitive life and culture.

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