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  • The Ultimate Image

The Ultimate Image

by P. Schuyler Miller

The Ultimate Image PDF edition and other P. Schuyler Miller books available for free download from our library.


The Ultimate Image is a science fiction short story by P. Schuyler Miller. It was Bill Porter's voice. I put one hand on the balustrade and vaulted into the garden. From behind a mass of shrubbery came sounds of a struggle, and Bill's voice rose again.

I plowed through where someone had gone before. Bill, his shirtfront awry, his coat-tails torn and muddy, was grappling with a snarling, kicking little man about half his size. As I burst out of the shrubbery, Bill kicked his legs from under him and they went down in the newly spaded earth, Bill on top. Bill Porter weighs a good two hundred pounds. The struggle ended then and there.

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