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The Underground Railroad from Slavery to Freedom

by Wilbur H. Siebert

The Underground Railroad from Slavery to Freedom PDF edition and other Wilbur H. Siebert books available for free download from our library.


The Underground Railroad from Slavery to Freedom is a comprehensive history of the abolitionist movement which secretly helped many slaves to attain freedom by migrating to anti-slavery states like Canada and other places. 

This volume is the outgrowth of an investigation begun in 1892-1893, when the writer was giving a portion of his time to the teaching of United States history in the Ohio State University. The search for materials was carried on at intervals during several years until the mass of information, written and printed, was deemed sufficient to be subjected to the processes of analysis and generalization. 

Patience and care have been required to overcome the difficulties attaching to a subject that was in an extraordinary sense a hidden one; and the author has constantly tried to observe those well-known dicta of the historian; namely, to be content with the materials discovered without making additions of his own, and to let his conclusions be defined by the facts, rather than seek to cast these "in the mould of his hypothesis."

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