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  • The United Empire Loyalists

The United Empire Loyalists

by W. Stewart Wallace

The United Empire Loyalists PDF edition and other W. Stewart Wallace books available for free download from our library.


The United Empire Loyalists have suffered a strange fate at the hands of historians. It is not too much to say that for nearly a century their history was written by their enemies. English writers, for obvious reasons, took little pleasure in dwelling on the American Revolution, and most of the early accounts were therefore American in their origin. Any one who takes the trouble to read these early accounts will be struck by the amazing manner in which the Loyalists are treated. They are either ignored entirely or else they are painted in the blackest colours.

In the history of the United States the exodus of the Loyalists is an event comparable only to the expulsion of the Huguenots from France after the revocation of the Edict of Nantes. The Loyalists, whatever their social status (and they were not all aristocrats), represented the conservative and moderate element in the revolting states; and their removal,[4] whether by banishment or disfranchisement, meant the elimination of a very wholesome element in the body politic. 

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