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  • The Vegetarian Cook Book

The Vegetarian Cook Book

by E. G. Fulton

The Vegetarian Cook Book PDF edition and other E. G. Fulton books available for free download from our library.


The Vegetarian Cook Book is written by E. G. Fulton. It is an alarming fact that contemporary human is more susceptible to poor health than their ancestors were. People run around for quick cures for their health and it is increasing day by day.

The services of growing medical professionals do not eradicate or reduce the health issues and in fact the persons suffering from health issues also growing at phenomenal rate. What we ignore is the root cause for such poor health is the result of what we eat and how we eat.

While we largely consume flesh and ignore the disease among poultry, fish and cattle which directly affect our health. The goal of this book is to make us stay away from unhealthy flesh food and move towards more healthy vegetarian food.

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