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  • The Warwickshire Avon

The Warwickshire Avon

by Arthur Quiller-Couch

The Warwickshire Avon PDF edition and other Arthur Quiller-Couch books available for free download from our library.


UR journey opens in Northamptonshire, and in that season when the year grows ancient,

“Not yet on summer’s death, nor on the birth

Of trembling winter.”

In the stubble the crack! crack! of a stray gun speaks, now and again, of partridge-time. Over the pastures, undulating with ridge and furrow, where the black oxen feed, patches of gloom and gleam are scurrying as the wind—westerly, with a touch of north—chases the light showers under a vivid sun. Along the drab road darts a bullfinch, his family after him; pauses a moment among the dogrose berries; is off again, and lost in the dazzle ahead.

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