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  • The Way Back

The Way Back

by Sam Moskowitz

The Way Back PDF edition and other Sam Moskowitz books available for free download from our library.


Michel Drawers crumpled the enormous star-map in his big hairy arms and let it drop from listless fingers. It floated slowly to the ground, scarcely claimed by the infinitesimal gravity of the tiny sky-rock. Hopelessly he gazed aloft, searching, with an air of finality the immense sweep of the cosmos for some familiar sign—a well known constellation, perhaps, that might be utilized as a sign post of space.

Unrewarded, he eased himself off a hard, metallic projection he had been seated upon and turned back toward his petite little star-ship—appropriately and affectionately known as "Star-Struck." He had to face cold, inevitable reality. He was lost—lost amid the stark immensity of unfamiliar worlds. Ahead of him lay a long and hopeless search. He must sweep across the void from zone to zone. Exploring the most colossal work of all nature for some clue that might solve this puzzle and show him the way back—the way back home.

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