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  • The Western Front

The Western Front

by Sir Muirhead Bone

The Western Front PDF edition and other Sir Muirhead Bone books available for free download from our library.


The Western Front is a non-fiction work by Sir Muirhead Bone in which he has tried to portrait the life of the soldiers in a country which undergone war destruction. The western front soldiers and their tough living conditions in various climates is well illustrated in the drawings. As a whole this book is for anyone who is interested in real accounts and historical explorations of war destruction and the military person’s life in them.


The British line in France and Belgium runs through country of three kinds, and each kind is like a part of England. Between the Somme and Arras a British soldier often feels that he has not quite left the place of his training on Salisbury Plain. The main roads may be different, with their endless rows of sentinel trees, and the farms are mostly clustered into villages, where they turn their backs to the streets. More of the land, too, is tilled. But the ground has the same large and gentle undulation; and these great rollers are made, as in Wiltshire, of pure chalk coated with only a little brown clay. There are the same wide prospects, the same lack of streams and ponds, the same ledges and curious carvings of the soil; and journeys on foot seem long, as they do on our downs, because so much of the road before you is visible while you march.

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