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  • The White Conquerors

The White Conquerors

by Kirk Munroe

The White Conquerors PDF edition and other Kirk Munroe books available for free download from our library.


The White Conquerors is children novel written by American novelist and author of children book Kirk Munroe whose popular novels include Wakulla, The Flamingo Feather, Derrick Sterling, Chrystal Jack & Co and Delta Bixby, The Golden Days of '49 , Dorymates , and Under Orders. 

Excerpts from the novel

The evening with which this story opens was one of unusual rejoicing in Tenochtitlan, for the morrow was to mark one of the most notable events of Montezuma's reign. The great Aztec calendar stone, the result of years of ceaseless labor, had at length reached the inner court of the principal temple. On the following day it was to be bathed in the blood of victims, and dedicated by the priests. This huge mass of shining porphyry, weighing more than fifty tons, and quarried from the distant mountains beyond the lake of Chalco, had been subjected to the unremitting labors of the most famous astronomers and skilled artisans for so long, that the king had almost despaired of living to witness its completion. Finally, polished like a mirror and cunningly engraved with a countless but orderly array of hieroglyphics, it started on its journey to the city, drawn by the united efforts of ten thousand slaves.

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