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  • The Whitehouse Cookbook

The Whitehouse Cookbook

by Mrs. F.L. Gillette

The Whitehouse Cookbook PDF edition and other Mrs. F.L. Gillette books available for free download from our library.


The Whitehouse Cookbook is co-authored by F.L. Gillette and Hugo Ziemann. Hugo Ziemann has the credibility such as serving as caterer to Prince Napoleon, Steward of the famous Hotel Splendide in Paris, Brunswick Café in New York and the Hotel Richelieu, in Chicago.  F.L. Gillette has the credibility of serving practical needs of average American homes.

The book has been prepared with great care. Every recipe has been tried and tested, and can be relied upon as one of the best of its kind. It is comprehensive, filling completely, it is believed, the requirements of housekeepers of all classes. It embodies several original and commendable features, among which may be mentioned the menus for the holidays and for one week in each month in the year, thus covering all varieties of seasonable foods; the convenient classification and arrangement of topics; the simplified method of explanation in preparing an article, in the order of manipulation, thereby enabling the most inexperienced to clearly comprehend it.

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