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  • The real Argentine -  Notes and Impressions of a Year in the Argentine and Uruguay

The real Argentine - Notes and Impressions of a Year in the Argentine and Uruguay

by J. A. Hammerton

The real Argentine - Notes and Impressions of a Year in the Argentine and Uruguay PDF edition and other J. A. Hammerton books available for free download from our library.


The real Argentine: Notes and Impressions of a Year in the Argentine and Uruguay is a travel account written by J. A. Hammerton whose other works include  George Meredith in Anecdote and Criticism, J. M. Barrie and his Books, Our Highland Tour, The Call of the Town, The Actor’s Art, Humorists of the Pencil, English Humorists of To-day.

So many books have been written on South American countries within recent years that the addition of one more to the already formidable list calls for a word of explanation, if not apology.  So far as American writers on the Latin-American Republics are concerned, many of their works are based upon the statistical returns of the respective Governments, or on topographical and historical data, easily obtainable at the public libraries. Others, more popular, but perhaps less valuable, are the hasty records of fleeting visits. These latter are so apt to be informed by a spirit of indiscriminate admiration that they present misleading and untrue notions of the countries described.

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