PDF Books in Time Travel Fiction
Danger in the Void
by Charles E. FritchThe trouble started when the Arcturus Queen was four billion miles out of Earth, heading for the star after which it was named. It pulled clear of the solar system using conventional drive, then switched into subspace. A few minutes later the ship shuddered perceptibly, and an authoritative voice came reassuringly from the public address system...
Tales of the Unexpected
by H. G. WellsTales of the Unexpected is a collection of Time travel short stories written by HG Wells comprising the stories including The remarkable case of Davidson's eyes, The moth, The story of the late Mr Elvesham, Under the knife, The Plattner story, The crystal egg, The man who could work miracles, A dream of armageddon, The new accelerator, The door in ..
Three Spacemen Left to Die!
by Russ WinterbothamCommander Al Andrews had closed and locked the energy-proof, neutralizing bulkheads against the creeping red glow that infected one quadrant of his circular space ship. Now he stood in the Control Center, in the mid-section of the revolving wagon-wheel ship, looking at Oakey Matthews.There had been times aboard this ship when a whole crew had been ..
Wanted - One Sane Man
by Frank M. RobinsonThey walked into the outer fringes of a whirlpool of noise and bedlam, rivaling that of a stock exchange or a grain pit in the middle of the harvesting season. The room covered more than an acre, with ninety per cent of the floor space devoted to adding machines, typewriters, tabulators, collators, sorters, key punches, automatic alphabetizers and ..
The Pioneer
by Irving E. CoxThe old ship wheezed and clattered into the landing slot. Greg was an expert pilot, but skill was no substitute for outdated equipment. He unstrapped the safety webbing and eased himself out of the cabin, cluttered with its worn and scarred electronic gadgetry. With the handcrank he opened the airlock. Rusting metal screamed as the panel slid back ..
by David MasonThe object appeared in the middle of Main Way, about fifty feet from the statue of Vachel Lindsay, and at least a hundred from anything else. It was much too big and complicated to have been hidden anywhere, and it hadn't any wheels, tracks, wings, or other visible means of movement.Corrigan, looking the object over, decided that it could not have ..
The Futile Flight of John Arthur Benn
by Richard WilsonBy putting himself into reverse, the doom-intended man left the twentieth century far ahead. Nineteen fifty-six was a good year to get out of. John Arthur Benn watched the roaring twenties go by, and the gay nineties, backwards, and wondered how it would be to pilot a riverboat on the Mississippi, or to fight under John Paul Jones.Before he was rea..
Bring the Jubilee
by Ward MooreGranpa Hodgins after whom I was named, perhaps a little grandiloquently, Hodgins McCormick Backmaker, had been a veteran of the War of Southron Independence. Like so many young men he had put on a shapeless blue uniform in response to the call of the ill-advised and headstrong—or martyred—Mr Lincoln. Depending on which of my lives’ viewpoints you t..