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  • To the American Indian

To the American Indian

by Lucy Thompson

To the American Indian PDF edition and other Lucy Thompson books available for free download from our library.


As there has been so much said and written about the American Indians, with my tribe, the Klamath Indians, included, by the white people, which is guessed at and not facts, I deem it necessary to first tell you who I am, for which please do not criticise me as egotistical.

I am a pure full blooded Klamath river woman. In our tongue we call this great river by the name of Health-kick-wer-roy, and I wear the Tat-toos on my chin that has been the custom for our women for many generations. I was born at Pec-wan village, and of highest birth or what we term under the highest laws of marriage. I am known by my people as a Talth. My maiden name was Che-na-wah Weitch-ah-wah, Che-na-wah being my given name. My father, being also a Talth, took me at a very early age and began training me in all of the mysteries and laws of my people. 

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