PDF Books in Travel
Peeps At Many Lands - Ireland
by Katharine TynanWritten by an Irish writer who was married to English writer Albert Hinkson, this book is a great travel guide, if you ever want to visit Ireland. This book narrates many of Ireland places, the People and their customs. There is a big atmospheric change between London and and Ireland and whether you are a boy or girl, your peep to Ireland, will ..
Claret and Olives
by Angus B. ReachClaret and Olives is an account of France tour written by Angus B. Reach, a British writer of Shakespearean era. Apart from travel writing, he has also authored crime thrillers which has been published as serials in monthly magazines like Chronicle. Claret and Olives is an essential read for any one want to know about France's Geography, its Vin..
Hallowed Heritage The Life of Virginia
by Dorothy M. TorpeyHallowed Heritage: The Life of Virginia is written by Dorothy M. Torpey. The life of Virginia is a study and travel guide of Virginia. This book is written in seven chapters including geographical life, historical life from 15th century to contemporary time, economical life, cultural life and political life. Geography of Virginia has been pro..
The Old Inns of Old England
by Charles G. HarperThe Old Inns of Old England is written by Charles G. Harper. When we think of traveling to any part of the world, the first thing which comes to our mind is where we stayed during that tour. At times we enjoy the hospitality of the place where we stayed more than our travel itself. This little book will recall our memories of our early travels. ..
The Story of the Hills
by H. N. HutchinsonThe Story of the Hills is written by H. N. Hutchinson. It is very rare to find a book of this kind. To enjoy reading this book, you need not to be a student of geology, but having little interest in knowing the nature is enough. As now people started making mountains as one of their favorite leisure travel places, a book of this kind would be he..
Sketches of Central Asia 1868
by Arminius VamberySketches of Central Asia (1868) is a travel memoir written by the Hungarian traveller Arminius Vámbéry, whose other writings include His Life and Adventures (1886), The Story of Hungary and co-authoring of the book The Voyages and Adventures of Ferdinand Mendez Pinto, the Portuguese. His adventurous travel through the dreaded Turkoman dese..
One Irish Summer
by William Eleroy CurtisOne Irish Summer written by William Eleroy Curtis is a real life traveling experience of the author’s visit to the island in 1908. The author praises the hospitality rendered to the strangers by Ireland people. We need to travel to Ireland in the summer and at least should spend about 3 months to enjoy the beauty of this Island. While the luxury..
The Innocents Abroad
by Mark TwainThe Innocents Abroad written by Mark Twain is a travel book based on the real life travel by the author in chartered vessel Quaker City through Europe and the Holy Land. The author states, this travel had helped him deeper understanding of not only the places he visited, also his fellow travelers aboard the cruise. Twain openly writes about his ..