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  • Ulysses


by James Joyce

Ulysses PDF edition and other James Joyce books available for free download from our library.


Ulysses written by James Joyce is perhaps one of 100 best novels of English literature, yet the most difficult novel to be understood by an average book reader.

The novel is plotted as if the incidents happening in 19 hours from June 16, 1904, 8:00 AM to June 17, 1904, 3:00 AM at Dubliners, Ireland. This novel is plotted around three central characters named Stephen Dedalus, Leopold Bloom and Molly Bloom.

Stephen Dedalus is a school teacher and an aspiring young writer. Leopold Bloom is a thirty eight years old advertising salesman married to Molly Bloom. Molly Bloom is frustrated with her husband, as he is not keeping intimacy with her, after their son’s death. The incidents happening on a single day between these characters is the prime plot of this novel.

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