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Vanity Fair

by William Makepeace Thackeray

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Vanity Fair is a novel written by William Makepeace Thackeray, an English writer remembered for his satirical works portraying panoramic English society. His notable literary contributions include A Shabby Genteel Story, The Luck of Barry Lyndon, The Book of Snobs and his magnum opus Vanity Fair.

Vanity Fair narrates the story of over ambitious girl whose uncontrolled life brings disasters and spoils life of whoever she encounters. Becky Sharp and Amelia Sedley complete their studies from Miss Pinkerton's Academy for Young Ladies and depart to Russell Square, Amelia’s home. Becky is cunning and ambitious to lead a life which is driven with immoral, ruthless, don’t care attitude. Amelia is lovable and simple-minded girl.

Becky is introduced by Amelia, her brother Joseph Sedle, her fiancé Captain George Osborne. Becky starts advancing with Joseph, though he is embarrassed by his drunken behavior. Later Becky is employed to govern the children of Sir Pitt Crawley, who is encouraged by Becky to advance towards her. After his wife is dead Sir Pitt Crawley proposes to marry Becky, only to receive a horrific reply from her that she is already secretly married to his son Rawdon Crawley.

Meanwhile Amelia’s family goes through financial crisis and her marriage is abandoned by Osborne, though both families had very close relationship. With pressured from his friend Dobbin, George marries Amelia against his family wish and end up losing inheritance from his father.

Becky already leading immoral life, woos George, who is already tired of his wife Amelia. In the preceding chapters, Becky and George started living together and go through immoral life. Becky start spoiling every one with her sexual desires and running behind the money including throwing herself to prostitution. Dobbin, started loving Amelia and marries her after death of George, though Amelia is already having a son through George.

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