Written by Victor Hugo
Notre-Dame De Paris
by Victor HugoNotre Dame De Paris is a Gothic novel written by Victor Hugo, a French Novelist who contributed to literary world in many forms of novels, poems and plays with his notable works including Les Miserables, The Man Who Laughs, Hans of Iceland and The Last Day of a Condemned Man. The Hunchback of Notre Dame is written by the author to create awarene..
by Victor HugoThis book is a selection collection of poems of Victor Hugo, a French writer who has influenced the Romantic Movement and remembered for his magnum opus Les Misérables. His poems captured the spirit of Romantic era and touched religious themes. Notable poems in this collection are The Girl Of Otaheite, The Feast Of Freedom, The Morning Of Life, The..
Hans of Iceland, Vol. 1 of 2
by Victor HugoHANS of Iceland is the work of a young man,—a very young man.As we read it, we see clearly that the eighteen-year old boy who wrote “Hans of Iceland” during a fever fit in 1821 had no experience of men or things, no experience of ideas, and that he was striving to divine all this.Every intellectual effort, be it drama, poem, or romance, must contai..
Hans of Iceland, Vol. 2 of 2
by Victor HugoThe regiment of musketeers from Munkholm was on the march through the narrow passes lying between Throndhjem and Skongen. Sometimes it moved along the brink of a torrent, and the long line of bayonets crept through the ravine like a huge serpent with glittering scales; sometimes it wound around a mountain, making it look like one of those triumphal..