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  • Volpone; Or, The Fox

Volpone; Or, The Fox

by Ben Jonson

Volpone; Or, The Fox PDF edition and other Ben Jonson books available for free download from our library.


Volpone is a comedy which exposes the greed and lust of human mind written by Ben Jonson, an English Playwright who popularized the comedy of humors with his remarkable plays such as The Alchemist and Every Man in His Humour.

Volpone, a lawyer and childless greedy man pretends to be on his deathbed, to annoy his clients Voltore, Corbaccio, and Corvino who are trying to inherit his fortune. His servant Mosca, supports his plans and gives false hopes to all three men. He even persuades Corbaccio that, disinheriting his own son Bonario, could enable him to inherit Volpone’s fortunes.

Mosca informs Volpone that Corvino ‘s beautiful wife Celia can be persuaded to sleep with him. The greedy Corvino accepts Volpone’s wish and sends his wife to Volpone. Volpone attempts to rape her, but has been rescued by Bonario. Volpone spreads the news that he is died and his wealth is to be inherited by Mosca, as per the will. All the three men Voltore, Corbaccio, and Corvino appears in the court to defend the will. Mosca taking advantage of the will and asks for half of the share of Volpone. A disappointed Volpone appears in the court to reveal his pretended death. In the end Voltore, Corbaccio, and Corvino are punished.

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