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  • War, 52 Carey Cartoons

War, 52 Carey Cartoons

by Ray Smith

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From time immemorial the human race has been interested in pictures of persons, scenes and things; and one of the most potent means of driving home ideas and lessons, and oftentimes of arousing human passions, is the cartoon. No longer venomous, the cartoon is regarded as a humorous or sarcastic comment on topics uppermost in the nation’s mind. It is more than a picture, however, because it is also suggestive and presents a clear idea, lucidly and usually laughingly worked out.

Naturally the cartoon carries with it a strong individual appeal and as such it is used quite extensively by the press. The idea of displaying cartoons of current events as a window attraction, however, is new, and has met with wide approval judging by the throngs which they attract. It originated with the Carey Fountain Pen Stores and has been used by them for about eight years.

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