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  • Weapons of Mystery

Weapons of Mystery

by Joseph Hocking

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Weapons of Mystery is suspense novel written in the sets of Christmas seasons by the Cornish novelist Joseph Hocking, who has written many novels including Jabez Easterbrook, The Spirit of the West, All Men are Liars, and The Girl who Defied the World.

Justin Martyr, a young man became orphan at his late boyhood. He could lead fairly a comfortable life with his inherited fortunes and his profession as a writer came out of his passion on literature. However he was living alone in lodging and was thinking how to spend this year Christmas. As a coincidence he received a letter from his old schoolmate Tom Temple, who lives in a countryside home of Yorkshire. In his letter Tom invited Justin to come to his countryside home for celebrating the Christmas along with some other guests.

Justin travels in a train and meets Miss Forrest in the train compartment. After reaching Tom’s home, Justin was surprised to see Forrest in the Tom’s house and later understood she was also invited by Tom. Soon Justin falls in love with Forrest. When all goes smooth, A mysterious Herod Voltaire enters the story and Justin had to protect Miss Forrest from him. The rest of the story narrates whether he could protect her lady love from the mysterious man and his weapons of mystery.

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