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  • What the Judge Saw

What the Judge Saw

by Edward Abbott Parry

What the Judge Saw PDF edition and other Edward Abbott Parry books available for free download from our library.


What the Judge Saw: Being Twenty-Five Years in Manchester by One Who Has Done It.

It would be absurd for modern visitors to Manchester, rushing away from the city in a luxurious dining car, plunging beneath the Disley Golf Links and emerging among the picturesque Derbyshire crags, to throw themselves into the romantic humour of the heroes of ’45 and mingle tear-drops with their soup. But alone with your thoughts, if you have lived in the midst of Manchester and her people and experienced their gracious hospitality to the stranger that is within their gates, you may find yourself crooning old Felton’s Gavot, and learn that the song vibrates in a minor key and that the tear-drops can only be kept back by control.

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