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  • William E. Burton -  Actor, Author, and Manager

William E. Burton - Actor, Author, and Manager

by William L. Keese

William E. Burton - Actor, Author, and Manager PDF edition and other William L. Keese books available for free download from our library.


William E. Burton: Actor, Author, and Manager written by William L. Keese is the biography of William E. Burton who lost his father in early life and taken over his printing business to take care of his mother. 

After few years of running his printing business, he went on to become editor of a monthly magazine. His editorship brought him into contacts of members of dramatic profession which is a milestone and turning point to his career. This biography reveals complete information about him and his performances.

We often give secondary value to his authorship over his career as an actor, but his career as an author is also a notable one.

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