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  • With Sword and Crucifix

With Sword and Crucifix

by Edward S. Van Zile

With Sword and Crucifix PDF edition and other Edward S. Van Zile books available for free download from our library.


With Sword and Crucifix: Being an Account of the Strange Adventures of Count Louis Sancerre, Companion of Sieur LaSalle, on the Lower Mississippi, in the Year of Grace 1682.

The speaker, Louis de Sancerre, of Languedoc, descendant of a famous constable of France, leaned against a tree near the shore of a majestic river, and musingly watched the moonbeams as they chased the ripples toward an unknown sea. A soft, cool breeze, heavy with the odor of new-born flowers, caressed his pale, clear-cut face, and toyed with the ruffles and trappings of a costume more becoming at Versailles than in the mysterious wilderness through which its wearer had floated for many weeks.

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