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  • Wuthering Heights

Wuthering Heights

by Emily Bronte

Wuthering Heights PDF edition and other Emily Bronte books available for free download from our library.


Heathcliff is adopted by Mr. Earnshaw in spite of stiff resistance from his own children Hindley and Catherine. After the death of their father, Hindley inherits Wuthering heights, the estate owned by their father. He starts ill-treating Healthcliff and was forced to become a servant in his own estate, which was supposed to be inherited by him. Catherine once had a love affair with Heathcliff, marries Edgar the son of Mr.Linton, their wealthy neighbor.

Unable to bear this, Heathcliff run away from Wuthering heights and return as a wealthy individual to take revenge against Hindley and Catherine. The rest of the story is his cunning, violent plot of taking revenge on them including making Hindley alcoholic to ruin his wealth and even arrange a forceful marriage between his own son and Catherine’s daughter. He succeeds in his plot and eventually inherits Wuthering Heights.

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