Written by Yates Stirling
A United States Midshipman Afloat
by Yates StirlingThe Navy-Yard at Brooklyn buzzed with its daily turmoil of labor. It was a bright June morning, and the high chimneys of the numerous shops and foundries belched forth flame and smoke. Thousands of begrimed workmen toiled incessantly, hammering, bending and riveting masses of metal, fashioning them into shape to be carried by the steam cranes to be..
A United States Midshipman in the South Seas
by Yates StirlingIn this story Midshipmen Phil Perry and Sydney Monroe, together with Boatswain’s Mate “Jack” O’Neil, act through an historic drama of a South Sea war.The same characters have seen active service in many parts of the world. In “A United States Midshipman Afloat,” life in a battle-ship of the Atlantic fleet, together with a typical South American rev..
A United States Midshipman in the Philippines
by Yates StirlingThe writer has attempted to describe in this volume the life of two young midshipmen of the United States Navy, serving in a small gunboat in Philippine waters. The fighting between the United States troops and the lawless bands of Filipino bandits (for they were bandits, more or less, after Aguinaldo’s army had been dispersed) was in most cases “h..
A United States Midshipman in China
by Yates StirlingThose who have read “A United States Midshipman Afloat” will recall that Philip Perry and his friend, Sydney Monroe, recent graduates of the Naval Academy at Annapolis, had been but a short time in the regular naval service when the battle-ship “Connecticut,” to which they had been assigned, was ordered to a South American port. Here they found a r..