PDF Books in Zoology
Our Vanishing Wild Life - Its Extermination and Preservation
by William T. HornadayThe preservation of animal and plant life, and of the general beauty of Nature, is one of the foremost duties of the men and women of to-day. It is an imperative duty, because it must be performed at once, for otherwise it will be too late. Every possible means of preservation,—sentimental, educational and legislative,—must be employed.The present ..
The Extermination of the American Bison
by William T. HornadayIt is hoped that the following historical account of the discovery, partial utilization, and almost complete extermination of the great American bison may serve to cause the public to fully realize the folly of allowing all our most valuable and interesting American mammals to be wantonly destroyed in the same manner. The wild buffalo is practicall..
Harvesting Ants and Trap-Door Spiders
by J. Traherne MoggridgeClaudius Ælianus, who lived in the time of Hadrian, gives a detailed account of the habits which he attributes to ants, from which the following is a translation: "In summer time, after harvest, while the ears are being threshed the ants pry about in troops around the threshing floors, leaving their homes, and going singly, in pairs, or sometimes t..
The Birds of Australia, Vol. 1 of 7
by John GouldHaving in the summer of 1837 brought my work on the “Birds of Europe” to a successful termination, I was naturally desirous of turning my attention to the Ornithology of some other region; and a variety of concurring circumstances induced me to select that of Australia, the Birds of which, though invested with the highest degree of interest, had be..
The Lore of the Honey-Bee
by Tickner EdwardesOne of the oldest and prettiest fables in ancient mythology is that which deals with the origin of the honey-bee. It was to Melissa and her sister Amalthea, the beautiful daughters of the King of Crete, that the god Jupiter was entrusted by his mother Ops, when Saturn, his father—following his custom of devouring his children at birth—sought ..
Our Feathered Friends
by Elizabeth GrinnellThis volume really needs little by way of introduction. No one can mistake the evident love for our feathered friends, the kindly assistance that has been given them, and the success of the authors in imparting to others much of that pleasure which they have undoubtedly derived from their studies.The same recreation lies within the power of all who..
History of Birds
by AnonymousThe Ostrich leaves its eggs in the desert, and if it goes far away, it cannot find them again. In the Bible, cruel and forgetful people are compared to the Ostrich. It is a large bird, and runs very swiftly when pursued, and if it finds a bush it hides its head, and thinks that because it does not see its pursuers, they cannot see it. The Ostrich m..
The Conchologist's First Book
by Edgar Allan PoeThe Conchologist's First BookA System of Testaceous Malacology, Arranged Expressly for the Use of Schools, in Which the Animals, According to Cuvier, Are Given With the Shells, a Great Number of New Species Added, and the Whole Brought Up, as Accurately as Possible, to the Present Condition of the Science...