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The Golden Maiden

The Golden Maiden

by A. G. Seklemian

The Golden Maiden and other stories is a collection of Armenian fairy and folk tales compiled and re-told by the Armenian folk-lorist A. G. Seklemian.  Like folk tales from many other countries, this is also a collection of tales which do not have documented evidence of origins, but these stories were told by the country peasants of Armen..

Aztec Ruins National Monument-New Mexico

Aztec Ruins National Monument-New Mexico

by John M. Corbett

This publication is one of a series of handbooks describing the historical and archeological areas in the National Park System administered by the National Park Service, U.S. Department of the Interior. The National Park System, of which Aztec Ruins National Monument is a unit, is dedicated to conserving the scenic, scientific, and historic heritag..

The Lives of the Saints Volume 1 of 16

The Lives of the Saints Volume 1 of 16

by Sabine Baring Gould

The Lives of the Saints is a true account of exploring the lives of Saints written by the English Anglican priest Rev. Sabine Baring-Gould who has multifaceted personalities as  hagiographer, antiquarian, novelist and eclectic scholar. Remembered for his hymn works such as "Onward, Christian Soldiers" and "Now the Day Is Over".  A..

Metapsychical Phenomena

Metapsychical Phenomena

by James Clerk Maxwell

Metapsychical Phenomena is written by the Scottish mathematical physicst James Clerk Maxwell.  The excerpts of this book is well summarised by Charles Richet in his preface as " My advice to the reader may be summed up in a few words. He must take up this book without prejudice. He must fear neither that which is new, nor that which is unexpec..

A Book of Cornwall

A Book of Cornwall

by Sabine Baring Gould

A Book of Cornwall is written by by the English Anglican priest Rev. Sabine Baring-Gould. With more than 1240 publications, his writings span across many genres with notable works like A Book of the Pyrenees, The Life of Napoleon Bonaparte, A Book of Dartmoor, A Book of Ghosts , and Devon Characters and Strange Events...

The Beaver  (Vol 1)

The Beaver (Vol 1)


The Beaver is the biographical writing of the Hudson Bay Company's Pioneer Steamer Ruled West Coast Trade for 20 years. The “Beaver,” of 109 Tons Burthen, Took Prominent Part in History of British Columbia–Cared for Wants of 40,000 Natives. There was not a single phase of British Columbia history from 1835 to 1874 in which H.B.S.S. “..

Flower Children, The Little Cousins of the Field and Garden

Flower Children, The Little Cousins of the Field and Garden

by Elizabeth Gordon

Flower Children, The Little Cousins of the Field and Garden is picture book with more than 100 illustrative pictures representing the little kids dressed as flowers.  The author Elizabeth Gordon mentions in the introductory note that "All children are flowers in the garden of God‟s love. A flower is the mystical counterpart of a child. To..

Essay on Man, Moral Essays and Satires

Essay on Man, Moral Essays and Satires

by Alexander Pope

This philosophical poem written by the eighteenth century English Poet Alexander Pope, whose satirical verse brought recognition to his translation of Homer.  One of the most frequently quoted writers like Shakespeare, his most famous poem is “The Rape of the Lock”.  His intention of making “Essay on Man” as a larger work has been left in..