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The Elementary Forms of the Religious Life

The Elementary Forms of the Religious Life

by Emile Durkheim

The Elementary Forms of the Religious Life is a study of religion as social phenomenon, written by David Émile Durkheim, a Frech Sociologist and philosopher who is remembered as “Father of sociology” who was instrumental in founding modern social science.  His notable writings include The Division of Labour in Society, The Rules of Sociologica..

The Mechanical Properties of Wood

The Mechanical Properties of Wood

by Samuel J. Record

The Mechanical Properties of Wood is written for forestry students in an attempt to provide them the essential knowledge and technical properties.  This book is written by the American Botanist Samuel J. Record, one of the prominent scholars in the study of wood, who has travelled across Americas and had an amazing collection of 41000 identifi..

The Man Who Was Thursday -  A Nightmare

The Man Who Was Thursday - A Nightmare

by G. K. Chesterton

The Man Who Was Thursday: A Nightmare is a metaphysical thriller novel written by the American theologian and philosopher Gilbert Keith Chesterton who is best known as Christian apologist. His major works include Heretics, Orthodoxy, Manalive and the fiction detective series Father Brown. Scotland recruits Gabriel Syme for their anti-anarchist..

Illustrated History Of Furniture

Illustrated History Of Furniture

by Frederick Litchfield

Illustrated History Of Furniture written by Frederick Litchfield is an exploration of furniture from ancient times to the modern era supported with authenticated illustrations.  A careful selection of illustrations has been made from examples of established authenticity, the majority of which are to be seen, either in the Museums to which refe..

How We Think

How We Think

by John Dewey

How We Think is a mandatory read for education professionals and teachers to introspect our self and know how the education system has taken a massive change for teachers as well as the pupils.  The contemporary education system has created a challenge for educators, as the teachers now no longer can deal with masses; rather they have to do it..

The history of art of Glass

The history of art of Glass

by Edward Dillon

Glass is a book which explores the history of the art of glass, a substance which is connected in our daily life.  While the book explores only the artistic history, though there has been a chapter into the technicalities or manufacturing part which is essential to narrate the artistic part of it.  The connection between the pottery and g..

Michael Faraday

Michael Faraday

by Walter Jerrold

Michael Faraday is the biography of the man of science who lived a simple and unadventurous life yet instrumental in contributing to the advancement of natural science for more than five decades of the century he lived in. This biography is written by Walter Copeland Jerrold, a journalist and newspaper editor, whose other biographical work includes..

Answers to Prayer

Answers to Prayer

by George Muller

Answers to Prayer is the real life incidents of the Christian evangelist  Johann Georg Ferdinand Müller, popularly known as “Man of prayers” who believed prayer could be the answer to many wishes of man, which could be otherwise impossible to achieve.  During his life time he has provided Christian education to more than 120000 children a..