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The Frontier in American History

The Frontier in American History

by Frederick Jackson Turner

The Frontier in American History is an essay by the Harward educated American historian Frederick Jackson Turner, whose ideas were prominent to the forming of Frontier thesis.  Best known for this work, his other notable writings include “Rise of the new west”,  “Social Forces in American History”,  "Is Sectionalism in America Dying ..

A Vindication Of The Rights Of Woman, With Strictures On Political And Moral Subjects

A Vindication Of The Rights Of Woman, With Strictures On Political And Moral Subjects

by Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley

A Vindication Of The Rights Of Woman, With Strictures On Political And Moral Subjects is written by the feminist and English writer Mary Wollstonecraft. Before her early death at the age of 37, she had written novels, treatises, travel literature and a book for children.  Notable work among her short career path includes The Subjection of Wome..

The Girl on the Boat

The Girl on the Boat

by P. G. Wodehouse

The Girl on the Boat is humorous novel written by the English humorist Sir Pelham Grenville Wodehouse, who has written many novels, short stories, plays and poems. Originally published as a serial in an American magazine under the name of “Three men and a maid”, this novel narrates the story in the backdrop of Sailing at ocean liner in England. &nb..

Herbals, Their Origin and Evolution

Herbals, Their Origin and Evolution

by Agnes Arber

Herbals, Their Origin and Evolution is a study of herbals written by the  British plant morphologist  Agnes Robertson Arber, who also has multifaceted professions as anatomist, philosopher of biology and historian of botany. With her scientific research on plants and contributions to botanical science she had received numerous honors incl..

Six Major Prophets

Six Major Prophets

by Edwin Emery Slosson

Six Major Prophets is a book written by American Magazine editor Edwin Emery Slosson, one of the renowned popularizer of science for his skills in explaining the science to common man.  During his long career at “The Independent” , he wrote many articles as editor of the magazine and his skills developed were basis for most of his books such a..

Princess Rose and the Golden Bird

Princess Rose and the Golden Bird

by Sergey Nikolov

Princess Rose and the Golden Bird is a collection of children's stories with beautifully illustrated pictures. If your children love classic fairy tales like "Cinderella," "Sleeping Beauty," "Rapunzel" ... and others in that order, then they will undoubtedly fall in love in "Princess Rose and the Golden Bird". The beautiful Princess Rose and ..

Manners, Custom and Dress During the Middle Ages and During the Renaissance Period

Manners, Custom and Dress During the Middle Ages and During the Renaissance Period

by Paul Lacroix

“Manners, Custom and Dress during the Middle Ages and During the Renaissance Period”, is written by the French Author Paul Lacroix who is popularly known by his pen name Bibliophile Jacob.  A Prolific writer, Paul’s works are varied includes historical romance novels and serious historical works such as “The history of Napoleon III, and “The l..

Buried Cities -  Pompeii, Olympia, Mycenae

Buried Cities - Pompeii, Olympia, Mycenae

by Jennie Hall

Buried Cities: Pompeii, Olympia, Mycenae is an interesting book about three ancient cities Pompeii, Olympia, and Mycenae and contains nice stories about the culture of the people lived there.  Pompeii was an ancient Roman city which was destroyed in 79 AD.  Olympia was an ancient Greek city known for Olympic Games. Mycenae was an ancient ..