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Everyman and Other Old Religious Plays

Everyman and Other Old Religious Plays

by Various Authors

Everyman and Other Old Religious Plays is a collection of religious plays written during 15th century.  The title play Everyman is a morality play based on the themes of John Bunyan’s Pilgrim’s progress.  The allegorical characters in the play are used to examine the Christian Salvation and what man has to do to attain. Set in the Roman C..

Chats on Costume

Chats on Costume

by Woolliscroft Rhead

Chats on Costume is a historical exploration of costume in a design and art standpoint written by WOOLLISCROFT RHEAD,  who has written many books such as   "The Treatment Of Drapery In Art," "The Principles Of Design," "A Handbook Of Etching," and "Studies In Plant Form". This book contains more than 100 illustrations and many line drawin..

The Alien Invasion

The Alien Invasion

by William Henry Wilkins

The Alien Invasion is a book on destitute immigration written by the English writer and royal biographer William Henry Wilkins, whose notable works include Our King and Queen, the Story of their Life, Edward VII and Queen Alexandra, etc.   Wilkins mentions in the preface as “I have endeavored to set forth as concisely as possible the evils ..

The Middle-Class Gentleman

The Middle-Class Gentleman

by Moliere

The Middle-Class Gentleman is five act French comedy play written, dramatized and acted by the French playwright Jean-Baptiste Poquelin, who is popularly known by his stage name Molière.  Remembered as  one of the greatest masters of comedy in western literature,  his notable plays include Tartuffe; The Misanthrope; The Learned Women..

A Treatise on Painting

A Treatise on Painting

by Leonardo Da Vinci

If you want to learn the art of painting from none other than the legend Leonardo Da Vinci, you have got the right book “A Treatise on painting”.  Though this book was not written as a book by Da Vinci himself, this book is a collection of manuscripts from his observations on painting for many years. Published after his death, this book sta..

Putnam's Word Book

Putnam's Word Book

by Louis Andrew Flemming

Putnam's Word Book is a practical aid in expressing ideas through the use of an exact and varied vocabulary.  Have you ever struck up choosing the right word which your mind conceives and unable to put in words. If so, this is the right book for you. As specified in the preface, the author does not attempt to influence your writing by telling ..

Practical Grammar and Composition

Practical Grammar and Composition

by Thomas Wood

Practical Grammar and Composition is a simple text book written for those adults who did not have a formal education in English language yet need to communicate in English in their day to day life.  Unlike a text book, the purpose of this book is not to teach the readers the literary aspects of English language rather make them understand..

The Anabasis of Alexander

The Anabasis of Alexander

by Arrian

The Anabasis of Alexander is the English translation of the Greek version of “The history of the wars and conquests of Alexander the Great”, written by Arrian.  Arrian, the author and philosopher of Roman era is considered as one of the founders of military-based historical writings, best known for this work other than his writings such as Dis..