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The Underground Railroad from Slavery to Freedom

The Underground Railroad from Slavery to Freedom

by Wilbur H. Siebert

The Underground Railroad from Slavery to Freedom is a comprehensive history of the abolitionist movement which secretly helped many slaves to attain freedom by migrating to anti-slavery states like Canada and other places. This volume is the outgrowth of an investigation begun in 1892-1893, when the writer was giving a portion of his time to t..

Atoms in Agriculture

Atoms in Agriculture

by Thomas S. Osborne

Atoms in Agriculture is a part of the series "The Understanding the Atom Series" books written by Thomas S. Osborne, who was in charge of plant-breeding research being conducted by the University of Tennessee’s Agricultural Research Laboratory for the Atomic Energy Commission. Nuclear energy is playing a vital role in the life of every man, wo..

The Changeling

The Changeling

by Walter Besant

The Changeling is a novel written by the English novelist Sir Walter Besant who wrote many fiction, non-fiction and plays.  Among his more than 50 writings notable one are The Alabaster Box, All in a Garden Fair, Beyond the Dreams of Avarice, The Captains' Room, The Fourth Generation, The Rebel Queen, and The Orange Girl. Excerpts from th..

Buffalo Bill from Prairie to Palace

Buffalo Bill from Prairie to Palace

by John M. Burke

Buffalo Bill from Prairie to Palace is an authentic history of the wild west With Sketches, Stories of Adventure, and Anecdotes of “Buffalo Bill,” the Hero of the Plains compiled by JOHN M. BURKE (“ARIZONA JOHN”) with the authority of General W. F. Cody (“Buffalo Bill”). An association of some thirty years with the subject of these pages, a familia..

The Birch and the Star and Other Stories

The Birch and the Star and Other Stories

by Gudrun Thorne-Thomsen

The Birch and the Star and Other Stories is a collection of fairy tales compiled by Gudrun Thorne-Thomsen, originally written by non-american authors  Jörgen Moe and Zacharias Topelius.  Jörgen Moe, a Norwegian juvenile fiction writer and Zacharias Topelius, a Swedish writer and both of them have earned reputation in their country as chil..

Motor Matt's Submarine

Motor Matt's Submarine

by Stanley R. Matthews

Motor Matt's Submarine or The strange cruise of the Grampus  is a thrilling adventure fiction and part of motor series fiction written by Stanley R. Matthews whose popular novel is Motor Matt. There are about seven important fictitious characters in the novel are Motor Matt, Dick Ferral, Carl Pretzel, Captain Nemo, Jr., otherwise Arc..

The Science of Plant Life

The Science of Plant Life

by Norman Taylor

The Science of Plant Life is an illustrated edition and part of Popular Science Library book contributed by many authors and compiled by Norman Taylor. If you are looking to gather some fundamental information about the life of plants, then this book would be an useful read.  Throughout the book, it has often been convenient to refer to plants..

Leila at Home

Leila at Home

by Ann Fraser Tytler

Leila at Home is juvenile fiction novel written by Ann Fraser Tytler and it is sequel to the previous works The Island, and Leila in England. In the preface of this novel the author says "IT was the intention of the writer of the following pages to have bid a last farewell to Leila, but some of her young readers have said “No;” and she feels..