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Recollections of the Civil War

Recollections of the Civil War

by Maud E. Morrow

Recollections of the Civil War is novel written by Maud E. Morrow. It is not a fiction work, but based on the real life incidents of one of the close friend of the Author. It reflects a child's point of view of the effects of civil war. There is no second thought the civil war has ignited the abolition of slavery, however the most suffered one..

The Threshold Covenant

The Threshold Covenant

by H. Clay Trumbull

The Threshold Covenant Or The Beginning of Religious Rites is a non-fiction work by H. Clay Trumbull whose other writing  include Kadesh-barnea,” “The Blood Covenant,” “Studies in Oriental Social Life,” etc. Preface from the bookThis work does not treat of the origin of man’s religious faculty, or of the origin of the sent..

A Watch-dog of the North Sea

A Watch-dog of the North Sea

by Percy F. Westerman

A Watch-dog of the North Sea is a naval story of the great war written by Percy F. Westerman who has also written other novels like "A SUB. OF THE R.N.R." "THE DREADNOUGHT OF THE AIR".Excerpts from the book:A bugle-call rang out shrill and clear in the wintry air. "Thank goodness—at last," murmured Eric Greenwood. "That's an end to 'A..



by Guy de Maupassant

Afloat is an adventure novel by French novelist GUY DE MAUPASSANT, TRANSLATED BY LAURA ENSOR. This Diary contains no story and no very thrilling adventure. While cruising about on the coasts of the Mediterranean last Spring, I amused myself by writing down every day what I saw and what I thought.  I saw but the water, the sun, clouds..

A Sheaf of Verses

A Sheaf of Verses

by Marguerite Radclyffe-Hall

A Sheaf of Verses is a collection of poems written by English novelist whose novel "The Well of Loneliness" has become an important work on lesbian literature. Among her works of novels and poems notable list include The Forge, The Unlit Lamp, Adam's Breed, The Master of the House, and The Sixth Beatitude. A press note on&n..



by Daniel Henderson

Great-Heart is the life story of American President Theodore Roosevelt Written by Daniel Henderson. The work has been approached from the viewpoint of one who was not a partisan; of one disposed to be critical; of one who, however, viewing Roosevelt’s career as a whole, was so moved by its grandeur that he became impelled to play what par..

Radioisotopes in Medicine

Radioisotopes in Medicine

by Earl W. Phelan

Radioisotopes in Medicine is a booklet provided by the United States Atomic Energy Commission to help you understand the pivotal roles of nuclear energy in common man's life. This book is written by Earl W. Phelan is Professor of Chemistry at Tusculum College, Greeneville, Tennessee. From 1952 to 1965, he served as Staff Assistant in the L..

Backwoods Surgery and Medicine

Backwoods Surgery and Medicine

by Charles Stuart Moody

Backwoods Surgery & Medicine  written by Charles Stuart Moody is an essential medical guide to to learn How to Treat Fractures, Sprains and Dislocations, Caring for Burns, Cuts, Drowning, and Minor Accidents, Medical Treatment of Camp Diseases, Serpent Wounds and Their Treatment, and The Camper's Medicine Chest.&nb..