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American Notes for General Circulation

American Notes for General Circulation

by Charles Dickens

American Notes for Circulation is Dickens views on the American Society of his days. He traveled depth of many cities North America and Canada and his observations and comparisons over British Society was not well received by Americans as they thought it was too vivid and unfair. His criticism such as ill-manners, familiarity with strangers were th..

The Magic Fish-Bone

The Magic Fish-Bone

by Charles Dickens

Charles Dickens has wrote very few fairy stories and The Magic Fish-bone is one of them. A good nature fairy godmother presents the magic fish-bone to good nature and simple princess Alicia. While the magic fish-bone can fulfill any wish of the Princess provided the wish comes at the right time. And as usual with any fairy tales, this story too con..

Sketches by Boz, Illustrative of Every-Day Life and Every-Day People

Sketches by Boz, Illustrative of Every-Day Life and Every-Day People

by Charles Dickens

Dickens non-fiction work Sketches by Boz, Illustrative of Every-Day Life and Every-Day People resembles the young Dickens' views on the then Victorian Society.  His 56 pieces of sketches has been largely divided into four sections as Our Parish, Scenes, Characters and Tales. While the Tales contains fictional stories rest of the sections are n..

The Uncommercial Traveller

The Uncommercial Traveller

by Charles Dickens

On successfully attaining his commercial goals, Dickens founded a journal and he himself was the main contributor to it writing many things without any chronology or limiting to any category. Perhaps his journal All the Year Round can be compared as Dickens' modern day blog, writing his observations on his life at England and travels to many part o..

The Kama Sutra

The Kama Sutra

by Vatsyayana

One of the most widely read ancient Indian literature, Vatsyayana's The Kama Sutra is a prose work and definitive guide to understanding the purpose of life (Karma)  and living virtuous and gracious life. Ironically the title of the book has become a synonym for sexual positions, though the original work did not contain any illustrations. It i..

Piper in the Woods

Piper in the Woods

by Philip K. Dick

Philip K Dick 's Piper in the Woods opens up with Doctor Henry Harris treating a soldier returned from war field. He was shocked to hear when the soldier claims he is a plant. To find the truth, he travels to asteroid and found many soldiers were claiming as plants. He realizes the soldiers were started feeling peace, when they start to think thems..

The Gun

The Gun

by Philip K. Dick

Philip K Dick's The Gun is a science fiction short story. A group of space explorers were shot by a gun which was eructed in a remains of an ancient city.  The explorers crash-land and destroy the gun found in the ancient city. After they left, the Gun was rebuilt again by automated machines and eruct it with nuclear weapons...

Tony and the Beetles

Tony and the Beetles

by Philip K. Dick

Tony and the Beetles takes place far in the future when Earth's enormous colonial empire is well established but the question is, how long can it last? 10 year old Tony grows up fast when history catches up with the human race. A sobering look at human history .. and our probable future. Two very different stories but both entertaining. (Summary by..