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Way to Wealth

Way to Wealth

by Benjamin Franklin

Way to Wealth is a series of essays written by Benjamin Franklin. One of the most powerful guides ever written in the history of economics, quotes in this centuries old book still holds true even after 300 years. While we all wanted to get rich and looking for shortcuts to attain wealth, we miss out small things, which are ought to be followed i..

The Blossoms of Morality

The Blossoms of Morality

by Richard Johnson

The Blossoms of Morality written by Richard Johnson is intended for the amusement and instruction of young ladies and gentlemen. As parents we all wanted to keep our children without experiencing the pain. It is a bitter fact that all kids of fortunate parents do not succeed in their life. The art of grooming our child is narrated throughout thi..

The Revolutions of Portugal

The Revolutions of Portugal

by Abbot De Vertot

The Revolutions of Portugal is an unbiased historical account of the Portugal revolution written by Abbot De Vertot, who has also written many such works like The revolutions of Sweden, and The Revolutions of Rome.  This historical work has been written unbiased with extracts collected from writing of several French, Spanish, Portuguese and..

The Law Inevitable

The Law Inevitable

by Louis Couperus

The Law Inevitable is a novel written by the Dutch novelist Louis Marie-Anne Couperus, one of the influential personalities of Dutch Literature. His contributions to the Dutch literary world were in many genres of novels, poems, short stories, fairy tales and sketches. Among his numerous works notable are A ribbon of poems, Williswinde, Eline Vere,..

The Story of the Hills

The Story of the Hills

by H. N. Hutchinson

The Story of the Hills is written by H. N. Hutchinson. It is very rare to find a book of this kind. To enjoy reading this book, you need not to be a student of geology, but having little interest in knowing the nature is enough. As now people started making mountains as one of their favorite leisure travel places, a book of this kind would be he..

Men of the Old Stone Age

Men of the Old Stone Age

by Henry Fairfield Osborn

Men of the Old Stone Age written by Henry Fairfield Osborn is a historic work of the human evolution of many stages from his ignorance of agriculture, his dependence on the natural food like fruits and flesh, discovery of fire and clothing, wildness to survive himself from animals, invention of shelters through hut. From the above prehistoric st..

Every day Science -  Volume VII -  The Conquest of Time and Space

Every day Science - Volume VII - The Conquest of Time and Space

by Henry Smith Williams

Every day Science: The Conquest of Time and Space written by Henry Smith Williams and Edward Huntington Williams is the seventh volume of the series of science books written in multiple volumes about the inventions in science and their impact in our everyday life. While steamships, locomotives, electric cars and automobiles were the inventions o..

The Story of Opal

The Story of Opal

by Opal Whiteley

The Story of Opal written by Opal Whiteley may not be an autobiography but written in a style of a biography. A woman of nature lover, she had been punished often in her childhood for spending her effort and time for caring wildlife. A series of incidents which took place in her life which challenged her very nature of having understanding heart..