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A Treatise on Physiology and Hygiene

A Treatise on Physiology and Hygiene

by Joseph C. Hutchison

The Human Body is the abode of an immortal spirit, and is the most complete and perfect specimen of the Creator's handiwork. To examine its structure, to ascertain the uses and modes of action of its various parts, how to protect it from injury, and maintain it in a healthy condition, is the design of this work.The departments of knowledge which ar..

Remarks on the Subject of Lactation

Remarks on the Subject of Lactation

by Edward Marten

Several cases which I witnessed led me to believe, some years ago, that inflammation of the brain, or its membranes, might be produced in children, owing to their being suckled for an undue length of time. Since that period, having enjoyed opportunities of observing infantile diseases on a much more extended scale, and my attention being expressly ..

The Brain and the Voice in Speech and Song

The Brain and the Voice in Speech and Song

by F. W. Mott

The contents of this little book formed the subject of three lectures delivered at the Royal Institution "On the Mechanism of the Human Voice" and three London University lectures at King's College on "The Brain in relation to Speech and Song." I have endeavoured to place this subject before my readers in as simple language as scientific accuracy a..

William Harvey And The Discovery Of The Circulation Of The Blood

William Harvey And The Discovery Of The Circulation Of The Blood

by Thomas Henry Huxley

I DESIRE this evening to give you some account of the life and labours of a very noble Englishman—William Harvey. William Harvey was born in the year 1578, and as he lived until the year 1657, he very nearly attained the age of 80. He was the son of a small landowner in Kent, who was sufficiently wealthy to send this, his eldest son, to the Univers..

Hygienic Physiology

Hygienic Physiology

by Joel Dorman Steele

The term Physiology, or the science of the functions of the body, has come to include Anatomy, or the science of its structure, and Hygiene, or the laws of health; the one being essential to the proper understanding of physiology, and the other being its practical application to life. The three are intimately blended, and in treating of the differe..

Physiology and Hygiene for Secondary Schools

Physiology and Hygiene for Secondary Schools

by Francis M. Walters

The aim in the preparation of this treatise on the human body has been, first, to set forth in a teachable manner the actual science of physiology; and second, to present the facts of hygiene largely as applied physiology. The view is held that "right living" consists in the harmonious adjustment of one's habits to the nature and plan of the body, ..

Theory of Circulation by Respiration -  Synopsis of its Principles and History

Theory of Circulation by Respiration - Synopsis of its Principles and History

by Emma Willard

First step in the discovery—Animal Heat the product of Respiration. Second step—Heat evolved in the lungs by Respiration there produces Expansion. Third step—Expansion; implied motion, which from the organism must conduct the blood to the left ventricle of the Heart. Theory imperfect, until the formation of sufficient vapor or steam in the lungs is..

Animal Sanctuaries in Labrador

Animal Sanctuaries in Labrador

by William Wood

All to whom wild Nature is one of the greatest glories of the Earth, all who know its higher significance for civilized man to-day, and all who consequently prize it as an heirloom for posterity, are asked to help in keeping the animal life of Labrador from being wantonly done to death.There is nothing to cause disagreement among the three main cla..