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The Story of the Teasing Monkey

The Story of the Teasing Monkey

by Helen Bannerman

The Story of the Teasing Monkey written by Helen Bannerman is an illustrative story for the kids about how a monkey with his mischievous activities got into trouble and escape from them.   Jacko, a teasing monkey lived in a banyan tree was teasing every one including a lioness in a cave. Lioness caught him one day and put him inside th..

South from Hudson Bay

South from Hudson Bay

by Ethel Claire Brill

South from Hudson Bay is a mystery story with many adventurous events for boys written by Ethel Claire Brill, a children’s fiction writer.  Some of the other books written by the author include The Secret Cache, and White Brother: A Story of the Pontiac Uprising; Told by Alan Davidson, Called Nekah by the Ojibwas...

Mystery Wings

Mystery Wings

by Roy J. Snell

Mystery Wings is a mystery story for boys written by Roy J. Snell, a novelist who wrote many mystery and adventures stories for boys.  Some of the notable writings of Snell include The Arrow of Fire, Sign of the Green Arrow , Little White Fox and his Arctic Friends , Triple Spies, Red Dynamite, The Rope of Gold, Lost in the Air, Curlie Cars..

My Religion

My Religion

by Graf Leo Tolstoy

My Religion written by Leo Tolstoy is a sequel to the author’s earlier work “A Confession”.   We all go through and believe in certain philosophies as our life passes.  What we believed once good and evil changes over time.  Irrespective one’s intelligence or education, all are equal in front of God.  While all of us can underst..

Lena Graham

Lena Graham

by Cecilia Selby Lowndes

Lena Graham is a children’s novel written by Cecilia Selby Lowndes, an author of children fiction works such as Both Sides of the River: a Tale, Kathleen, Dandy, Only Girls, Enid's Victory, A Small Rebellion, Linda And The Boys, Miss Hope's Niece, and The Two Violets. As usual Lena Graham is also another novel for the girls, which narrates the s..

The History of Modern Painting Volume I

The History of Modern Painting Volume I

by Richard Muther

The History of Modern Painting written by Richard Muther in four volumes.  The most challenging part in writing a book on painting is the deficiency of authentic sources.The then artists never bothered take credit for their works and ignored to record their names in their great works. This book tries to capture the information of the modern..

The History of Modern Painting Volume 2

The History of Modern Painting Volume 2

by Richard Muther

The History of Modern Painting written by Richard Muther in four volumes.  The most challenging part in writing a book on painting is the deficiency of authentic sources.The then artists never bothered take credit for their works and ignored to record their names in their great works. This book tries to capture the information of the modern..

The Cat

The Cat

by Philip M. Rule

The Cat written by Philip M. Rule is a comprehensive guide to understand the most common domesticated animal.  The author has provided in depth information right from the origins of the Cat and how this wild animal become the pet of our homes.  This book is spanned across eight chapters detailing their characteristics, Food, domestic vari..