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Biblical Revision

Biblical Revision

by Edward Slater

Among the characteristics of an Age replete with new and unlooked-for events, perhaps not the least singular and impressive is the desire, now extensively evinced, for an improved translation of Holy Scripture.A solitary voice, it is true, has been raised to the same effect, from time to time; but it has gradually died away in the noise of worldly ..

Crawford's Defeat -  A Tale of the Frontier in 1812

Crawford's Defeat - A Tale of the Frontier in 1812

by Anonymous

During the early days on the Midwestern frontier, especially during the War of 1812 and the concurrent Indian warfare, terror was easily spread through settlements and villages by rumors of nearby redskins. Raids were frequent, and the horrors of Indian warfare made even the boldest men fear for their lives and for the lives of their loved ones. Bu..

The Clerk of the Woods

The Clerk of the Woods

by Bradford Torrey

The chapters of this book were written week by week for simultaneous publication in the “Evening Transcript” of Boston and the “Mail and Express” of New York, and were intended to be a kind of weekly chronicle of the course of events out-of-doors, as witnessed by a natural-historical observer. The title of the volume is the running title under whic..



by John C. Miller

If among the vast multitude which is now thronging this sacred building, there be one who has come up hither with the expectation that it would be my object to excite or fan a flame of bitter hostility against the members of the Church of Rome, I trust that he will be disappointed. If there be any who have come up hither from a feeling of idle curi..

Christian Marriage Indissoluble -  A Plain Sermon

Christian Marriage Indissoluble - A Plain Sermon

by James Galloway Cowan

The following Sermon is printed, partly because some who heard it wished to possess it, and partly because it has been suggested to me that it would be useful for distribution as a tract.  It is simply what I have called it, “a plain Sermon,” written and printed for ordinary hearers and readers.God Himself deals with this whole question. ..

Paula Monti

Paula Monti

by Eugène Sue

In 1837 the Opera-ball in Paris was not as yet entirely invaded by that mob of wild and crazed dancers, chicards and chicandards (as they style themselves), who, in the present day, have almost entirely driven from these assemblies the old traditions for mystification, and that tone of good society which did not detract from the piquancy of adventu..

Phil May -  Sketches from  Punch

Phil May - Sketches from Punch

by Phil May

If the death of Phil May is a loss that the world of art may not soon retrieve, to his wide circle of friends it is an irreparable hurt. He had a nature made to love; so great a charm of gentleness and unaffected modesty went with his splendid gifts. The hard times of early life, that helped him in his art, as they helped another Filippo, to “learn..

Plain Sermons, Preached at Archbishop Tenison's Chapel

Plain Sermons, Preached at Archbishop Tenison's Chapel

by James Galloway Cowan

Every one who has thoughtfully read that description of the Samaritans in the second book of Kings—“they feared the Lord and served their own gods”—must have been struck with the mockery, the blasphemy, the absurdity of such a fear.  Fear Him, who claims to be the only God, and yet regard many others as equally and independently gods!  Wo..