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Derelicts of Uranus

Derelicts of Uranus

by J. Harvey Haggard

Lonny Higgens, once of the earthly planet, stretched out in the conning-tower of his mud-submarine, an aquatic monstrosity of globular reinforced steel that was at home either above or below the surface of the squirming mud seas of Uranus, and sighed lazily. The circular hatch was open over his head, showing a patch of black swirling mists through ..

The Facts of Life

The Facts of Life

by P. Schuyler Miller

Thus Professor Melchizedek Hobbs, principal of the Springville Free Academy, on the day long-gone when I began my higher education. I can see him yet, the apotheosis of the Victorian schoolmaster, Ichabod Crane, come to life: the sparse, sandy hair brushed carefully across his bony skull, his long nose trembling with the vehemence of his argument, ..

The Spiritual Improvement of the Census

The Spiritual Improvement of the Census

by R. G. Baker

The youngest of eight sons of one of the shepherds of Israel, and raised from that lowly station to the throne by the express appointment of Jehovah, it may well excite our surprise to observe his conduct on the occasion to which the text refers.  We might have supposed that the incidents of his early life, no less than the experience of his r..

The Truth about Church Extension

The Truth about Church Extension

by Anonymous

The entire absence of criticism on the decennial tables contained in the report of Mr. Horace Mann on the Census of Religious Worship has filled the writer with equal surprise and concern.  For a period of nearly three years, hardly a week has passed without some injurious step on the part of the Government, some disastrous admission on the pa..

Earth's Maginot Line

Earth's Maginot Line

by Roy Paetzke

Jimmy Lorre saw the Earth spinning away from under him. It was odd, this sensation of having nothing under you, nothing to keep you from falling back upon the world from which the sleek grey space ship had lifted you. Lorre felt uneasy. He had traveled in rockets hundreds of times, of course; but this was his first flight into space.Rockets had alr..

The Black Man -  His Antecedents, His Genius, and His Achievements

The Black Man - His Antecedents, His Genius, and His Achievements

by William Wells Brown

The Black Man: His Antecedents, His Genius, and His Achievements is a biography of African-American. The calumniators and traducers of the Negro are to be found, mainly, among two classes. The first and most relentless are those who have done them the greatest injury, by being instrumental in their enslavement and consequent degradation. They delig..

The Servile State

The Servile State

by Hilaire Belloc

This book is written to maintain and prove the following truth:— That our free modern society in which the means of production are owned by a few being necessarily in unstable equilibrium, it is tending to reach a condition of stable equilibrium by the establishment of compulsory labour legally enforcible upon those who do not own the means of prod..

When Time Rolled Back

When Time Rolled Back

by Ed Earl Repp

Sarak, who was the Old Man of the tribe as well as his sire, and Monah, Rog's mother, were short and heavy and thickly covered with hair. Rog was taller and straighter, and endowed with much less hair. Too, his face was much broader through the cheekbones and less heavy-looking around the mouth. There was only one other in the tribe who seemed to b..