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The Fireless Locomotive

The Fireless Locomotive

by Anonymous

Most things yield to progress—and that, of course, is how museums are made. The Corliss engine now on display at Carillon Park labored mightily during the formative years of American industry, yet more economical electric power systems eventually sent that steam giant into retirement at the Park. The Conestoga wagon and the Concord coach, the Grass..

The Old Mill and the Covered Bridge

The Old Mill and the Covered Bridge

by Anonymous

The old grist mill and the covered bridge are links with America’s past which, even today, have not passed entirely from the scene. Each was a part of the fabric of our young and growing nation and each made its own contribution to our progress.By today’s standards, the old grist mill, driven by water-power and with everything except its grinding s..

Toleration and other essays

Toleration and other essays

by Voltaire

It seems useful, in presenting to English readers this selection of the works of Voltaire, to recall the position and personality of the writer and the circumstances in which the works were written. It is too lightly assumed, even by many who enjoy the freedom which he, more than any, won for Europe, and who may surpass him in scepticism, that Volt..

Gene Stratton Porter

Gene Stratton Porter

by Anonymous

Although Gene Stratton Porter resided in this city only a few weeks in 1913, her life was closely associated with the Fort Wayne area. Born in rural Wabash County and educated in Wabash, the noted Hoosier author established residence successively in Geneva, Decatur, and Rome City. She was intimately connected with Coldwater, Michigan, and Wincheste..

Lie on the Beam

Lie on the Beam

by John Victor Peterson

Sweeping from perihelion, the black destroyer curved toward the gibbous white ball of Venus, its jets stabbing mocking fingers at the majesty of the sun whose clutching gravity it had cheated. Within the heavily shielded control cabin, the hard skull-face of the commander split into a fleshless smile. Back on dead sea bottoms the word had been but ..

Newcom Tavern

Newcom Tavern

by Anonymous

In the year of the treaty, Jonathan Dayton, head of a New Jersey land company which also included Generals Wilkinson and St. Clair and a Colonel Ludlow, acquired the so-called “seventh and eighth ranges” between the two Miami Rivers, and employed surveyors to lay out a town site. The town was to take Jonathan Dayton’s name, although he was never to..

Pennsylvania Dutch Guide-Book

Pennsylvania Dutch Guide-Book

by Anonymous

This Official Guide-Book of the Pennsylvania Dutch Tourist Bureau has been prepared solely for the purpose of making the tourist’s visit to Lancaster County the interesting and enjoyable experience it should be.Situated but a few hours drive from many of the great cities of the eastern United States, the Pennsylvania Dutch Country offers more to th..

St. Clair's Defeat

St. Clair's Defeat

by Anonymous

Several survivors of St. Clair’s Defeat wrote vivid accounts of their experiences during that terrible battle. These personal reports detail one of the worst defeats ever suffered by an American army. Encouraged by victories over the forces of Generals Harmar and St. Clair, the Indians preyed upon the defenseless frontier. Therefore, the success of..