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Athletics and Games of the Ancient Greeks

Athletics and Games of the Ancient Greeks

by Edward M. Plummer

Few kinds of labor develop the body in a symmetrical manner. This is true even in an elementary division of labor. The carpenter and the blacksmith usually have strong, large shoulders and arms, but small and weak legs. The farmer, from excessive bending over his work, loses, in a greater or less degree, his elasticity of body, and often becomes st..

Let the Ants Try

Let the Ants Try

by Frederik Pohl

Gordy survived the Three-Hour War, even though Detroit didn't; he was on his way to Washington, with his blueprints and models in his bag, when the bombs struck. He had left his wife behind in the city, and not even a trace of her body was ever found. The children, of course, weren't as lucky as that. Their summer camp was less than twenty miles aw..

Narratives of Colored Americans

Narratives of Colored Americans

by Abigail Mott

Lindley Murray, the Grammarian, and author of several excellent School and Reading books, in his last Will bequeathed certain funds to Trustees in America, his native country, for several benevolent objects, including the gratuitous distribution of "books calculated to promote piety and virtue, and the truth of Christianity."The Trustees have had "..

Sticks and Stones -  A Study of American Architecture and Civilization

Sticks and Stones - A Study of American Architecture and Civilization

by Lewis Mumford

This is an attempt to evaluate architecture in America in terms of our civilization. I have not sought to criticize particular buildings or tendencies: I have tried, rather, by approaching our modern problems from their historic side, to criticize the forces that from one age to another have conditioned our architecture, and altered its forms. Lest..

Lady Into Hell-Cat

Lady Into Hell-Cat

by Stanley Mullen

Lee Heydrick smiled grimly. "I guess you didn't catch my name. I earned these service bars of mine. I was one of four survivors of the first Trans-Plutonian Expedition." The inspector suddenly became respectful. "Oh, you're that Heydrick?" He referred to the credentials on his desk. "What's a pirate-chaser like you doing on an assignment like this?..

Sidewinders From Sirius

Sidewinders From Sirius

by Fox B. Holden

Gaylord Kram, Vice-colonel of Intelligence, Terrestrial Federal government, sat pondering one of the worst poker hands he had ever witnessed, and he had witnessed a goodly number in his 38 years, when he should have been sweating blood over his tottering government's most perplexing problem: what to do about the colonists from Sirius and their G-ra..

Catalonia & The Balearic Islands

Catalonia & The Balearic Islands

by Albert Frederick Calvert

Every stranger who crosses the Pyrenees knows that Catalonia differs in many important respects from every other province in the kingdom. He has heard that the natives speak of going into Spain as if they lived outside of it; he knows that they speak a tongue different from the Castilian; that their enterprise and activity distinguish them favourab..

Josiah Allen's Wife as a P. A. and P. I.

Josiah Allen's Wife as a P. A. and P. I.

by Marietta Holley

My companion, Josiah, knew that my book was all finished and completed, and so one lovely day about half past four, P. M. in the afternoon, when he see me walk with a firm and even step up to the mantletry piece and take down my bottle of ink and my steel mounted pen, he says to me:“What are you goin’ to writin’ on now, Samantha?”Says I mildly, “I ..