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Familiar Studies in Homer

Familiar Studies in Homer

by Agnes M. Clerke

Homeric archæology has, within the last few years, finally left the groove of purely academic discussion to advance along the new route laid down for it by practical methods of investigation. The results are full of present interest, and of future promise. They already imply a reconstruction of the Hellenic past; they vitalise the Homeric world, br..



by Marguerite Cunliffe-Owen

The white-coiffed nun stood inside the door, waiting for the tall girl who at the words had briskly risen from the first rank of her fellow-pupils. She was older than any there, and her whole allure as she stepped forward betrayed a certain sense of superiority and conscious pride. Silently she followed Madame Marie-Immaculée along the stone-paved ..

Narrative of Henry Box Brown

Narrative of Henry Box Brown

by Henry Box Brown

Not for the purpose of administering to a prurient desire to “hear and see some new thing,” nor to gratify any inclination on the part of the hero of the following story to be honored by man, is this simple and touching narrative of the perils of a seeker after the “boon of liberty,” introduced to the public eye; but that the people of this country..

Practical Phrenology Simplified

Practical Phrenology Simplified

by Theodore Foster

The present volume is designed to exhibit the subject of Practical Phrenology in as clear and as perspicuous a light as its nature will admit. To this purpose the author has aimed to divest it of all extraneous matter, and at the same time to avoid all unnecessary conciseness. The learner will here find a comprehensive view of the functions of each..

The Golden Harpoon

The Golden Harpoon

by Roger Starbuck

On the morning of the 25th day of April, 18—, the whale-ship Montpelier, of New London, anchored in one of the many bays that open along the coast of Kamschatka, where it is washed by the waters of the Sea of Ochotsk.As soon as every thing was made snug allow and aloft, the skipper rubbed his hands with complacency, and a satisfied expression was s..

The Isle of Demons and Other Poems

The Isle of Demons and Other Poems

by George Martin

The poems in this volume have been written at various periods of a busy life, and are widely separated in date of composition. Most of the minor poems have appeared in Canadian periodicals, and some of them have the local colour of the city in which they were written. The poem most recent in date is Marguerite, which has been written under conditio..

The Joss -  A Reversion

The Joss - A Reversion

by Richard Marsh

Not twenty minutes afterwards a girl came in—a mere chit—who wanted some passementerie, beaded. She had brought a pattern. Somehow directly I saw it I thought there would be trouble. I hunted through the stock and found the thing exactly, only there were blue beads where there ought to have been green. As there were a dozen different coloured beads..

The Story My Doggie Told to Me

The Story My Doggie Told to Me

by Ralph Henry Barbour

When you tell a story you should always start right at the very beginning, and that is what I am going to do. The first thing I remember was when I was about two weeks old. I’m sure you can’t remember when you were two weeks old. I think that is very clever of me, don’t you? It shows what a fine memory I have. I was lying[5] in a sort of cage made ..