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A Wayfarer's Faith

A Wayfarer's Faith

by Edmund Harvey

There is a well known story of how a man of letters a century ago, when questioned as to his religious views, answered that all sensible men were of one religion, and to the further query as to what that religion might be, made the curt response: "Sir, sensible men never say." The story is characteristic of its age, and of the attitude towards reli..

The Birds of Australia, Vol. 1 of 7

The Birds of Australia, Vol. 1 of 7

by John Gould

Having in the summer of 1837 brought my work on the “Birds of Europe” to a successful termination, I was naturally desirous of turning my attention to the Ornithology of some other region; and a variety of concurring circumstances induced me to select that of Australia, the Birds of which, though invested with the highest degree of interest, had be..

An Illustrated Directory of the Specifications of All Domestic and Foreign Motor-cars

An Illustrated Directory of the Specifications of All Domestic and Foreign Motor-cars

by Various Authors

An Illustrated Directory of the Specifications of All Domestic and Foreign Motor-cars and Motor Business Wagons, Gasoline, Steam and Electric, Sold in This Country, 1907..

Modern cosmogonies

Modern cosmogonies

by Agnes M. Clerke

Of the sixteen chapters constituting this little work, thirteen have been published as a series, begun in Knowledge and continued in Knowledge and Illustrated Scientific News, and to the proprietors of those journals, for their courteous permission to reprint them, I offer my sincere thanks. Three additional chapters, equivalent to, though not iden..

The Alhambra and the Kremlin

The Alhambra and the Kremlin

by Samuel Irenæus Prime

The South and the North of Europe are contrasted in this volume. Not by any formal comparison of the morals and manners, the institutions and condition of the peoples in different latitudes, but by candid statement and description, I have sought to give a fair view of life as it is in Spain and Scandinavia. Since the journey was made, the Queen of ..

The Greatest Heiress in England

The Greatest Heiress in England

by Mrs. Oliphant

A country town, quiet, simple, and dull, chiefly of old construction, but with a few new streets and scattered villas of modern flimsiness, a river flowing through it, dulled and stilled with the frost; trees visible in every direction, blocking up the horizon and making a background, though only with a confused anatomy of bare branches, to the red..

Disappeared From Her Home

Disappeared From Her Home

by Catherine Louisa Pirkis

Disappeared from her home, Amy, only daughter of Stephen Warden, Esq., of the High Elms, Harleyford. Age, 17; height, 5ft. Dark hair and eyes, oval face, small nose, mouth, and chin; remarkably small hands and feet; dressed in dark blue silk walking costume, broad brimmed felt hat, with light-blue ostrich feather. Jewellery worn—a gold butterfly br..

One for the Robot—Two for the Same

One for the Robot—Two for the Same

by Rog Phillips

I took an instinctive disliking to him from the very first. I don't know exactly what caused it. His appearance? He wore a well tailored gray plaid suit draped on what I would have sworn to be nothing but a skeleton. Blue-veined skin fitted over the exposed parts, such as his long slender hands, folded together on his lap, the stretch of bare leg b..